Epidermolysis Bullosa: Erland Care Protective Skin gets full reimbursement in Norway

Helfo (The Norwegian Health Economics Administration) gives full reimbursement on Erland Care Protective Skin from January 1. 2022 to users with Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB).
Global Health Technology`s new multifunctional wound dressing has both skin friendly properties and an high absorption capacity that makes it useful to this group of users.
Erland Care Protective Skin is being reimbursed in 5 different sizes by Helfo. More information about Erland Care Protective Skin is available here.

There are about 500 000 people with EB in the world, and about 400 in Norway.


Global Health Technology presenting at DNB Healthcare Conference 2021.


Global Health Technology chosen to present at DNB HCC Venture Session, again.